...remember your 19th birthday? Remember the disgusting mix of anything that had sugar in it that Jeremy put in his milkshake? ...when you had your sisters around...

...remember your 19th birthday? Remember the disgusting mix of anything that had sugar in it that Jeremy put in his milkshake? ...when you had your sisters around...
Posted by Heidi Wiles at 5:17 PM 3 comments
So yesterday on my one day off, I decided to clean my three bathrooms. I put this decal on the wall over the mirror above the sink :) I love how it turned out.
So this is our main bathroom upstairs....I still have to work on organizing the bedrooms more, so those rooms will have to wait a little longer.
Posted by Heidi Wiles at 4:46 PM 1 comments
I put curtains up! I think it looks way better... Next project...I plan on getting some paintings for the dining room...some big beachy ones. :)
Posted by Heidi Wiles at 3:47 PM 4 comments
So Ang has been asking me to post pictures of my house...so here it is, in part. This is only the downstares...I havn't had a chance to do any cleaning or organizing upstairs lately, so that part will have to wait. :)
Comming out of the kitchen up into the entry way, and upstairs.
Posted by Heidi Wiles at 6:02 PM 6 comments