Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Remember when...

...remember your 19th birthday? Remember the disgusting mix of anything that had sugar in it that Jeremy put in his milkshake?
...when you had your sisters around...

When Heather and I were partners in crime....when we did everything together. We had some good times...

Remember when these three nerds were wearing pirate hats in the kitchen??

When you graduated highschool? things have sure changed since then.

Remember when the boys were this little?

Remember when Chubby was this little??

When Jenni and I were single and had time to hang out and cause trouble...

Remember that trip to Valdez where I got chased by a bear?

And while walking in Valdez we admired all of the bunnies and Ang found the perfect picture spot...

And the surprise birthday for Jenn at Pagoda :)

Really though, when did Chub get so big? Guess time flies when your having fun...

Friday, June 24, 2011

A bathroom cleaning kind of day

So yesterday on my one day off, I decided to clean my three bathrooms. I put this decal on the wall over the mirror above the sink :) I love how it turned out.
So this is our main bathroom upstairs....I still have to work on organizing the bedrooms more, so those rooms will have to wait a little longer.

You can really tell, but it's actually pretty big.

Anyway, this pretty much summs up my week. The rest of the time I'm either at work or trying to sleep a little. I'm having serious issues with insamnia because I'm working days, swings and graves all in a week every week. So I'm trying to find solutions for not being able to sleep. (suggestions anyone?)

Dillingham has grown considerably in population since it's summer...lots of fishermen and construction crews. Oh yes, construction. They are paving my road. Which will be nice in the long run, but it turns my 5 minute drive into a 30 minute drive...oh well. But with all these people in town, it turns out everyone is out of lettuce. It's not to be had anywhere in Dillingham...which sucks when you just made burgers and you can't have a bun because you're on a diet. Just sayin.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

House Part 2

I put curtains up! I think it looks way better...
Next project...I plan on getting some paintings for the dining room...some big beachy ones. :)

No pics of the upstairs yet...sorry Ang. It still looks like a tornado landed up there. I've got to order more shelving so I can organize.

I'm planning on flying home to Fairbanks next month...I can hardly wait. You'd think I was a little kid on Christmas lol. I miss the family....and civilization lol. Cant wait to see Ang and my Chub :) Even if she is saving the kitchen to unpack for when I'm there.

It will be great to see Jenn, Phil and the boys...I'm sad they are leaving AK. Maybe I will pester mom at work :D that's always fun. And if she's not on a diet I'll bring her a little treat to atone for being a needy daughter lol. And I've got to put in a request with dad for teriyaki salmon...mmm. I was just telling Anthony that once he tries it, he will never be satisfied with any other salmon.

Now if only Bek, Heather and Ty were going to be home....that would make everything perfect. Bek would boss everybody around and read Pat McMannus, (is that spelled right?) Heather would whip up something delicious in the kitchen and play the piano, and Ty....well if Josh wasn't locking him in the closet, he'd just be doing whatever Ty does. :)

But since they can't be there, I'm sure they'll just call right before dinner like they always do ;)

Love you guys!

Friday, June 3, 2011

My House

So Ang has been asking me to post pictures of my here it is, in part. This is only the downstares...I havn't had a chance to do any cleaning or organizing upstairs lately, so that part will have to wait. :)
Comming out of the kitchen up into the entry way, and upstairs.

This room is messy...oh well. It's off my kitchen, and to the left there is a half bathroom w/my washer and dryer.

My kitchen.

Don't laugh at my makeshift curtain over the door...its working till I can get something better :)

The dining room.

And from another view lol...

The living room, right next to the dinning room.

I have some pretty sheer tan curtains for the living room and dining room but I don't have rods have to order EVERYthing online out here!

So that's it for now...upstares we have three bedrooms and two bathrooms. I will try and post pictures of those as soon as I can get them straightened up lol.

And now I have a girlie movie to watch...Anthony is in one of his villages tonight so I'm making the best of it. :)