Friday, December 28, 2012

...and more pics. Because I rock like that.

Shannon and I have beautiful holiday nails. Read and weep, sisters. I bought her OPI's new James Bond 18K gold fleck nail polish. It rocks.

Sisters :)

and the husband.

We went bowling last night. And on the way out I took a nose-dive on the asphalt. Typical right? But hey! No broken bones this time :) That's always a pleasant change. So I was the cheering section. But if I'd been playing, I would have sent all these ankle-biters home crying to their mammas. :)

I told Ty to do a Tim Tebow...this was his version. I'm pretty sure there were even a few tears involved...

Thing 1 & Thing 2. Probably the baddest bowlers I know of. 

Shannon (aka gutter queen) was happiest when eating chili cheese fries. She doesn't look happy here. But trust me.

I was gonna post pics of my wounds...but I forgot. Oh well.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Day

So...Christmas morning traditions. Monkey bread anyone? Lol bet you didn't see that one coming...

Opening of the stockings...Bek, it's never the same without you trying to open mine while simultaneously opening yours.

Opening the gift Bek sent to me :)

 Ty's awesome new jersey from Shannon. He was pretty psyched about it.

...and who would't be excited about a kitchen aid??

From Ty's father-in-law

Probably the gift she was most excited about...the earrings she's been wanting :)

...really though. She was REALLY excited.

My gift from Anthony :) Isn't it gorgeous?

"Grandma Friesner" pose lol

Here's the rockin underarmor jacket I got for's the Wounded Warrior Project line.

...and the back. Lol you can see his Cowboys jersey right through it.

Shannon in her awesome new Ugg boots, UnderArmor hat and Oakley jacket. She's ready for AK lol.

And of course...Rex and Starla. :)

Hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Twas the night before Christmas...

I flew into Honolulu Tuesday night for Christmas break. Anthony flew down from AK and we are having a great time. :) I bought a new camera (yay!) a few days ago so here goes.
We had lunch at Red Lobster on tasty.

Lol it took Shannon a few minutes to figure out how to crack her crab legs...

But when she

The wheedle little brother

 My newest sister :)

...and just because.

 Today is our holiday baking day...we've been at it since this morning.

...and so have the guys. Sitting around periodically hollering about how they need cookies. 

Well, better get back to it. Time to start baking the sugar cookies! Hope everyone is having a fantastic Christmas Eve!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sister Gift Exchange

So I got a Christmas package from Ang this last week. Thankfully I (FINALLY) downloaded Skype so Ang and Chub could see me open my gifts.

My new centerpiece...beautiful isn't it?

Ang made these beautiful coasters :)

 And a travel mug holder...( the other side is camo - so cute!)

 Nail polish from the chub. And my Christmas letter from Chub lol. She told me it says "I love auntie Heidi"....definitely going on the fridge.

 Some yummy candles 

 A new Christmas mug :) I didn't have any in Hawaii with me. It was fully of hot cocoa and candy canes.

Ahh...Christmas cards on the fridge. I won't mention any names (ahem. Bek.) but I'm hoping to have a few more pics to put on my fridge soon.

Thanks Ang!