I hate goodbyes...they are so depressing. So far I have not cryed...I'm saving it all up for when I'm gone lol. This morning I had to say goodbye to my good friend Roxy....it made me sad. Rox is an awesome girl...if she's around your sure to have a good time. :) We were there for each other at work...not sure what I would have done without her...love ya Rox!

Tomorrow I will have to say goodbye to more people I love...like my mom. I will miss her sooo much. I will miss stopping by her work and spending her lunch break with her...

My sister....really not sure what I'm gonna do without her. She's my best friend.

My gurl Jenni...she is the kind of friend you can go months without talking to and when you see each other you just pick right up where you left off...like you talk every day. :)

Phil, Jenn and the boys :) It's always a crazy, good time when they are around.
I will really miss having my sisters just a few minutes away.
Not much more to say....I love you all, come see us in Dillingham!
So sad... I don't like this post! But I am glad that you have friends and family that mean this much to you!
Awe sad, :( But excited for you too. Looking fwd to your updates!
I'm crying now....thanks a lot....I was hoping I wouldn't become a huge ball of wetness until after you left. Now....no such luck. I am going to cry.....when do I NOT cry?! Gonna miss you SO much!
This is only see ya later.
No goodbyes.
We will miss you. We will be praying for you and we all hope that you have an amazing adventure with your husband.
Get out there and show us what Dillingham is like. We want to see it through your eyes.. Have fun! Meet some folks and tell us all about them.
Just because you are there and we are here doesn't mean we aren't right there with you cheering you on.
New starts are scary. They are hard. But you are very tough. Dillingham isn't gonna know what hit em.
Stay in touch! I will call/text once a week.. just to make sure you haven't gone off on some Dillinghamer's or anything crazy like that.
Love you lady!
this was a very sweet/sad post...we have seen each other through some very diffucult times,and because of that we have a special bond.i will miss having you close by,my sister and friend
that was ang...on moms computer(:
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