Monday, October 10, 2011

Another day in Dillingham

So today we decided to take a little walk down on Kanakanak beach. The sun was shining, luring us into a false sense of security. It was real cold and windy. But we still had a good time. :) We got a tasty chai tea...

And a large cinnamon roll that my husband tried to devour right through the plastic wrap lol

Like I said...cold and windy.

After a while though, we were just numb and we didn't really care anymore.
Yep, that's right. King of the rock. Knocked Anthony right off. With my huge muscles.

Hope eveyone else had a great Monday too!


Grammie Kim said... the muscle comment. And what ELSE would you be drinking but a tasty spiced chai tea??? Hmm?
Thanks for the pictures! Glad you got out, in spite of the cold.

Heather McEntire said...

how fun!
lovelovelove the pics dooge!

Grammie Kim said...

P.S. I bet that cinnamon roll is calorie-free, right? ;o)

Anonymous said...

Wow...Dillingham looks really boring.
But at least you have a beach! Even if it is a rocky Alaskan beach.
Miss you.

Mrs.Lambert said...

love the it more often now that your jobless!!!(: